Save energy for your love!

I know you're probably well aware, but for some of us Daylight Savings Time will hit this weekend, and yet perhaps you're already negotiating daily for time.



Can I fit something in in this small window or that small window and yet still be present to my family?



This is the life of any busy worker, and last night my husband and I were just fathoming about how big and busy many of our days are in the helping professions, even as we made plans to find time for each other.



We want to use our energy in the best ways possible and yet if we're not intentional, it won't happen (we were scheduling to make sure it did happen!).



Why? Energy is, like time and money, and comes to us as a very real and limited commodity, not a new-age ethereal concept.



In physics, energy is actually defined as the ability to do work if you remember, and let's face it, you can't do relationship work if you have no energy left to give to those you love most. 



And even when you and your spouse or family do make plans together, if you don't bring energy to the table, it matters and more – it shows.



This mini-pod is here for you to find and get after the moments you're losing energy unintentionally.



Like a faucet being left on for too long, some of us naturally dose energy out too early and liberally to make it all day, others of us are crowding our schedules to jam-packed levels, some of us are using our energy mostly on research or performance, and ALL of us need reminders of how we can save some for our precious relationships.



Tune in here for exactly how YOU in your typology can do just that on this mini-pod!



You can listen on Apple, Spotify, or Watch on YouTube! 



ALSO, have you been loving the Myers-Briggs convo? We have a new special podcast convo for you all about how Enneagram + Myers Briggs work together in a simplifed and practical way as well as some relationship coaching tips for you! Listen to our Apple Podcast deeper dive subscriber episodes on Wednesdays! Subscribe here!


Finding Restful Rhythms for Your Personality Type This Spring


Caring for the Soul of the Helper w/Holly Oxhandler, Ph.D, LMSW, 2-9 Pairing