Bringing Minimalism to Your Marriage with the Minimalist Mom, Diane Bolden, 7

Today's new podcast episode and our guest is a Type Seven doing all of that work to get there really well, too Diane Bolden of the Minimalist Mom's Podcast!



Diane is a top podcaster with over 7 million downloads because she has put her 7-5 pairing to use and found what they're really good at together as a couple -minimalism.



Yes, they have found great systems to share with you and I, and as thinking types united, they help the rest of the world to create home systems in a very thoughtful way so that they can kill it on experiences together, more importantly than spending money on too many things!



There are so many particulars to building a family intentionally with minimalism well that she shares today with us, and one of them I LOVE (sneak preview detail here!), is that if we find a system that's just good for us and us alone (eg. “Having this drawer or item here works for me”), it might not work for everyone else. It's better yet to bring our values together as we bring only what we need into our home and allow for everyone to have a voice so we can appreciate what do bring together, especially our people!



I'm so excited for you to head into this episode with me here, not only because Diane and her hubby are so gifted mentally, but also because she extends her huge heart out too as she vulnerably shares about her own relationship learnings and what she's still learning.



ALSO: It's the six month Enneagram in Marriage book-versary! Have you taken time to share about it with a friend who has a hurting relationship or to leave an Amazon review yet? Your voice (yes you! helps massively and gives other couples the chance to find their glow together by taking a moment to review right here. I read them all and I am so thankful for those who have shared already! So grateful to wake up surpised today to a book photo shoot reel my photographer Shyla Rose did on IG, too! 



I'm honored to keep sharing with you all, thank you for being here!



Listen to today's show on Apple Podcast here!

Listen on Spotify here! 

Watch the ad-free version at YouTube!



Learning to Leave Toxic & Trauma Behaviors Behind with Charisse Cooke, Enneagram 2


Telling the Truth to Your Spouse