The Red Flags of Narcissism w/Melissa Thompson, 2

Although everyone can be selfish or narcissistic at times, especially in today's me-focused culture with social media and such, narcissistic personality disorder is grossly different. 



According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7.7% men and 4.8% of women deal with it, with men scoring higher in leadership/authority narcissism and both male and females scored high in vanity, self-absorption, and attention seeking.



On this podcast, we deal with what is normal and can be worked on in terms of narcissistic traits versus what is more severely pathological so all those who are stuck in destructive relationship patterns can find the healing path they need. 



To walk us through these nuances with painstaking care but also the love and light that is an important pairing to a heavy topic, we have popular podcast guest Melissa Thompson back for this episode. Melissa not only has special training on NPD led by trauma leaders Bessel van der Kolk and Peter Levine but she also shares why someone (often empaths, such as Enneagram heart types or "feelers" on the MBTI) get caught up into a trap with someone who has narcissistic personality disorder, and explains how narcissists themselves come to develop - they too had trauma.



If you yourself or someone you love is dealing with this disorder in any way, join us here! 



PS: Don't forget to share. This is indeed an episode to share if you've got a friend who is afraid and in an abusive relationship.



Watch on Apple Podcast here!

Watch on Spotify here! 

Watch the ad-free, uncut version at YouTube!


Igniting Your Sexual Chemistry


Such a fun Spring break episode for you literary loves out there!